Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Members and collaborators

School year 2020-2021=

5A: Álex, Érik, Lucas, Jorge, Javi, Martín, Lucía, Sarah, Jimena, Carolina, Carlos, Hugo, Ainhoa, Aitana and Álvaro.

5B: Daria, Claudia, Ivana, Mario, Ainhoa, Andrea, Marco, Daneirys, Sergio, Jorge Juan, Fran, Samuel, Doménico, Pablo, Ángel, Alan, Luz, Yoel and Lucas.

5C: Álvaro, Olivia, Germán, Ferran, José Luis, , Nael, Marina, Mohamed, , Héctor, Naiara, Sophia, Judith, Aitor, Izan, Brayan and Abraham. 

School year 2021-2022 =

5A: Álvaro, Jade


  1. I do not know if this comments work but I just want to say that I am very happy with the progress that this blog is having I hope it continues to grow

  2. Well done guys!! How can I collaborate with your project?

    1. Thank you! Just by becoming a member, you are already collaborating. Spread the word!!! ;-)

  3. Hi Mariela I'm German, guess what, we are already 200 members!

  4. Hi there! Yeah, we did it!!!! I'm so happy! Thank you and Daria for the great help in achieving this goal. I'm very grateful and proud of you both.
    Kind regards.

  5. Hello Mariela we have reached 200 subscribes,congratulations i'm Ivana!

  6. Hello, Ivana. Yes, we've achieved our goal! I'm so happy! Thank you for your help!
    Kind regards.


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